24 People Share Their Strongly Held Beliefs That They...
- One of the marks of a smart person is their ability to...
eBaum's World Trending
22 Random Statements Made into Profound Quotes
- There's nothing more frustrating than when a quote...
20 Comments From Bros Who Are Completely Down Bad
- Sometimes people get down bad, and when that happens,...
British Pub Reviewer Rates Pubs, Finds Them All Bad
- People in the U.K. love drinking. I’m not talking...
Saturday Morning Randomness: 51 Trending Pics, Memes...
- It's Saturday, and you should be feeling jovial about...
Unfortunately the Worst Songs Survived the TikTok Purge
- Amidst a dispute over licensing, one of the biggest...
19 Neuralink Memes to Download With Your Brain
- We’ve collected the most hilarious memes and tweets...
29 Spectacular Fails, Flounders, and Facepalms That...
- These might give you secondhand embarrassment.
19 Funny Work Memes to Laugh At Before You Clock Out
- Congrats you survived this week and the first month of...
19 Community Note Roasts With Citations to Make It...
- If you didn’t have two eyes and a working brain, the...
No One on Facebook Marketplace Knows How to Photograph...
- "Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them...
USPS Finally Gets Sick Postal Van, Only Buys Six
- USPS has a problem: All of its vehicles look weird.
Friday Morning Randomness: 44 Fantastic Randoms to...
- Congratulations, you've made it to the end of the...
Dad Convinced He Can Touch the Ceiling With His Head...
- Bro wasn't even close, but that's okay beacuse he...
22 People Share the Worst Cheating Story They Ever...
- There is nothing worse than being betrayed by the...
21 Plumbing Horror Stories That Will Clog Your Brain
- Plumbing is by definition, a gross profession.
23 Entitled Brats Who Think They’re the Main...
- For some reason, posting online gives these people the...
23 Next Level Lazy Life Hacks From Less Than Motivated...
- They like to think outside the box.
Black Twitter Hall of Fame: 32 of the Funniest Tweets...
- Twitter owes a majority of its success as a platform...
Thursday Morning Randomness: 48 Fresh Randoms to...
- As we approach the end of the week, enjoy these fun...
The Super Bowl Media Hotel is a Giant Dorito
- If you’re a journalist covering this year’s Super...
20 Headlines That Sound Fake But Are Hilariously Real
- No, it’s not a parody news account, Jake Gyllenhaal...
Leonardo da Vinci's Greatest Inventions
- Leonardo da Vinci is one of the greatest geniuses in...
The Funniest Tweets of the Week (So Far)
- I am happy to announce that Big Bird is big again. Our...
20 Mid-Week Work Memes and Tweets to Help You Make It...
- The week is walking at a snail's pace. If you want a...
Wednesday Morning Randomness: 32 Fresh Pics, Memes and...
- It can be hard to get past the midweek blues, but...
26 Mistranslations That Made Things Way Funnier
- Does anyone else smell burnt toast?
20 Drivers Who Are a Mechanic's Worst Nightmare
- They give anyone a license these days!
21 Unhinged Swift-Bowl Tweets and Reactions
- Though you can’t search for Taylor Swift's name on...
Tuesday Morning Randomness: 42 Terrific Randoms to Get...
- We've put together terrific randoms to help you push...
The Faces of 10 People Struggling to Merge Onto the...
- Jake Wolfert is a photographer who uses his camera to...
The Funniest and Strangest Headlines of the Weekend
- Why is George Bush’s daughter on morning television...
The Funniest Tweets You Missed This Weekend
- Twitter turned from an annoying social media app to...
21 of the Funniest Thing a Doctor Said to Someone
- It's important to keep a sense of humor in every...
27 Sydney Sweeney 'Hot Ones' Memes to Turn Up the Heat
- If your moth felt hotter than "the bomb" watching this...
eBaum's Picks